Me, Im a grungy dust covered sweating factory wood worker with a decent roof over my head, thats it!
Pleasure to meet you and the wife Green, thanks for showing your face, when you said mountain I was afraid you resebleded Hillbilly!!!
Hillbilly, that dog is trashed.!Might have been a bad round of that drinking game "Rover catch the Bone" I heard it can be a mean game. Mostly for the loser.
I think we should be attending EVERY party this lady hosts.
We can only hope the dog isn't the limo driver! However, it might not be a bad time to invite him into a poker game.
NS, we still love ya
Brother Bill, aint know sense to scare myself.LOL
Stand by, I'll send you a story about the old man on the hill, dont know if I can PM you but know what. I'll attach it in this thread.