Top 10 reasons to make your own wine

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I will begin this wine making as a hobby, and will be sure it will be a self satisfaction project to share the end result with good friends.
Could not have said this better!!!! I plan to give my wine to people I care about. Anything homemade and given to another person means so much more.

I am creative by nature so this hobby in its varied facets of picking out a fruit, fermenting, label design and finishing to my personal tastes is one that appeals to me. There is always something else to learn and a new wine you have never tried to make. The possibilities are endless. It has been an evolution process for me. Starting with my first wine which was a Walmart wine kit ( nasty ) to Welches concentrates, fresh fruit and kits. My palate has changed and is much more diverse. I use to drink sweet box wines and Boone's Farm and now appreciate a good Cabernet. I've traveled to winery's all over the country. I've tasted some very good wines and then some I have wondered how they have the nerve to charge $15 for. I now realize it is possible to make as good a wine as you can buy on the shelf. I love sharing my creations with friends and family. They look forward to the next wine in production. Each has its own story to be told.
Top 10 reasons for making wine
1.My great grandfather did it!
2.My granpaw did it!
3.My dad did it!
4.Girls like homeade wine!
5.It makes my wife friskey!
6.Because it taste better than water!
7.Its good for you!
8.I dont ever have to go to the liquer store!{ever}
9.I need something to put in all those recycled wine bottles!
10.Because I can!

well,my statement has been"i found a cure for my drinking problem,i'm learning to make wine! Edited by: andy123
My Grandfather made wine in Italy, and continued to do so when he was living in West Philly. I do it for the family heritage? if thats the right word.
I love to experiment. There are so many options and variables when making wine that no two wines are ever the same.

You always need to ask yourself questions. What kind of sugar should I use? Should I just squeeze the juice from one lemon or add citric acid? Should I use chopped raisins to add body or a can or two of Welch's? Can I make wine with Kool-Aid? (I am currently doing this to settle a bet) I've even wondered if I could make wine from fresh grass clippings after mowing my yard, and I intend to try this someday. For me, experimenting is the most enjoyable part of the hobby. If you always followed the directions on the box to a "T" then I think it would get a bit boring. I would have to quit doing it and finally give in to my two brothers who have been nagging at me for the past three years and join their team in the local bowling league (I like bowling, but not that much!

I can sum it all up in two words. I like making my own wine because.....

It's FUN!!!
Being Retired, It's a great way to spend those cold hard winters living the dream in theforest of Mid Michigan. Its also a great way to spend those hot Summer days on the Mighty Tittabawasee River on the Pontoon Boat. Come to think of it its a great way to watch the grass grow in the spring and the leaves fall in the autumn. And alsoto sit on the porch with friends & neighbors reminiscing old times.
Yes, I enjoy making wine for some of the reasons already posted. I get a kick out of people who make a big deal of my and my friends wine. Having control of what chemicals are goiing into the wine. I do not add the sulfates nor the potassium to my wines. I like seeing my wine racks get loaded up.
I make wine because I was getting in a rut. I needed a hobby that included all my intrests. "Hmmm" I thought, "let's see, I like to catch a buzz and I love to cook and experiment with new tastes and foods, and I like it when my wife gets all nekkid and frisky" and 'boink' a light shone upon me and a voice from the ether said " make wine you dipsh*t" LOL
I started because I have been trying to start some old fashioned family traditions. I have made beer a while back but it was a hastle and did not have the room. It was also a lot of work for a few cases of brew.
There are a lot of wild (concord) grapes where i live, not to mention Beach Plumbs and blueberries... Figured I will start with the kits to get the basics and impress some people then, try the hard way..pressing grapes..
About 2 years ago, my wife and I were walking in the local park and saw tons of wild blackberry vines growing every where. The next week we went out with buckets in hand and picked about 2 gallons worth. We made jelly and syrup then. This year we talked about making wine for ourselves, and just like that we got started. I think its more for my creative side than anything else. Since I don't really have a hobby, I figured this might be a good one. Now I am contemplating a small vineyard in my backyard. I am very excited to be bottling my first batch in the near future. As well as many to come. What started as a hobby may darn well turn out to be an obsession.................


Edited by: gaudet
wade said:
When it becomes an obsession then you have become 1 of us!

When you start 5 batches in 3 months is it an obsession?

Blackberry 6-1, Blueberry, 6-26, Tomato 7-21, Blackberry Melomel 8-5, & Peach 8-12
Because there are sooooo many dandelions, waste not want not.

Enjoy making thingsto give to friends and family.

It's an addicting hobby with disipline (waiting), creativity (you made this from what?), happy ending (enjoying the final product).
I just got a new reason.
Last night, SWMBO (Thanks Peter), while watching me stir a newly started Meglioli, said "I'm glad youstarted this hobby. I'm enjoying it too!"

I take that as a pure endorsement for a new kit order! That'l make 24 kits in18 months. You really wouldn't call that little bit an obsession would you?
Many, many years ago for some unknown reason I switched from beer to wine. Light, semi-sweet white wine (Tyrolia came in 3L jugs -- chablis)-- maybe it was the fad of the decade. During a trip to Napa I tasted a merlot that converted me on the spot to being a red wine drinker.

Not being able to afford the quality of wine I truly aspired to led me to try all the cheap 1.5L rot gut available. I'd drink it but wished for better.

Almost eight years ago, we drank our first kit wine at a friends house. WOW!!! It was a Brewking (now Winexpert) Vintner's Reserve chianti. Over the next several visits to our friends house we enjoyed many wines that were waybetter than "store bought" so we copied our friend's efforts with our own home set up.

We're at 151 kits and counting.

Our number one reason TASTE!!!

"I started because I have been trying to start some old fashioned family traditions..."

i started because I fondly recalled old fashioned family traditions....and this inadvertantky started "some old fashioned family traditions..." for the next generation

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