I'm not sure I understand. Elderberries in a white?Yes any good white will do, I've done this before and if you let it set with the fruit in the secondary it's very good, give it time to set up then rack and allow it to come back together again.
Got it?
I used dried elderberries in a niagara white wine from concentrate. I had thought it would be something similar to a rose, but my extended extraction made very light type red. Turned out pretty decently, I think.I'm not sure I understand. Elderberries in a white?
I caught a good deal on a used floor corker...THE BIG RED ONE! Really looking forward to trying it out this week end. It looks fast just sitting still in the shop all red and shiny...Think I should wax it up like my old '67 Camero?
Ok refresh my memory,what kits have you tweak and what was your inha cement process.
What your end result should be is a decent everyday drinking wine.
Tell me.
Do you do these fruits in primary or secondary?Lwrightjs,that's not enough volumn of berries,16ozs. normal.per 5/6 gal.datch.
You need at least 16oz.eirher fruit will do, not both.plus a hand full of raisins.ABV around 13% works out very balanced when finished and allowed to age do 8mos. to a year.or not
describe one of your wines process to me if you will so I can understand were the error occurred if any,ok (step by STEP ).Thanks
sometimes its the base wine itself not constructed enough.