I have been reading some articles that indicate using Bentonite post fermentation might be better, but the 5 kits instructions that I have done state mixing in the must before fermentation. Has anyone tweaked kits by postponing bentonite util after it has stabilized and aged a few months? If so did you use less bentonite and have less lees than pre fermentation? Any advise would be appreciated.
"Bentonite addition to juice can be successful but note that juice contains many types of protein that will naturally precipitate out of solution during fermentation without the need for bentonite. Thus, much higher rates of bentonite are often required."
"Over-fining at this stage by using too much bentonite may lower amino nitrogen content of the juice. A lack of yeast assimilable nitrogen can cause the production of hydrogen sulfide and its associated stink. Settling and racking the freshly pressed white juice is probably a safer route to clearer white wine than is a bentonite addition to juice."