Mosti Mondiale What kit should I grab before the sale ends?

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Jul 7, 2009
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Northern Nuevo Mexico
Just started a MM All Juice Amarone so got that one covered.

Was thinking about picking up another MM red while it was on sale.

Leaning towards the Barolo?

What say ye?
Barolo is a great big red wine. Should be aged just like the Amarone. If you don't know what it taste like I would suggest to buy a bottle. Nothing like making and aging it and you dont care for the wines profile.

<TABLE id=_ctl7_TableMain style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px; BORDER-LEFT-WIDTH: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM-WIDTH: 0px; WIDTH: 500px; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; BORDER-RIGHT-WIDTH: 0px" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 align=center><T>
<TR id=_ctl7_Tablerow1>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell1>
<TABLE id=_ctl7_TableContainer style="BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #330000; BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #330000; WIDTH: 100%; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #330000; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #330000; fcf7ea: " borderColor=#330000><T>
<TR id=_ctl7_Tablerow2>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell2>
<TABLE id=_ctl7_Table2 style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; WIDTH: 100%; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><T>
<TR id=_ctl7_Tablerow3 style="COLOR: black">
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell3 style="WIDTH: 5px; HEIGHT: 21px"></TD>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell4 style="HEIGHT: 21px" vAlign=top colSpan=2>Variety: Barolo

Color: Red

Other names:

Varietal Notes:

see Nebbiolo</TD>
<TD style="WIDTH: 220px" colSpan=3>
<TD>Courtesy Vitis International Variety Catalogue </TD></TR></T></T></TABLE></TD>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell5 style="WIDTH: 5px; HEIGHT: 21px"></TD></TR>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell28 style="WIDTH: 5px; HEIGHT: 21px"></TD>
<TD colSpan=5>

<TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d8bf7a 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #d8bf7a 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #d8bf7a 1px solid; WIDTH: 100%; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d8bf7a 1px solid; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" borderColor=#d8bf7a cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 rules=all border=1><T>
<TR id=_ctl7_Tablerow6>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell18 style="HEIGHT: 21px" colSpan=5>Characteristics*: </TD>
<TD style="WIDTH: 80%"></TD></TR>
<TR id=_ctl7_Tablerow7>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell17 style="HEIGHT: 21px" colSpan=5>Aromas/Flavors*: </TD>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell19 style="WIDTH: 80%" NAME="Tablecell19"></TD></TR>
<TR id=_ctl7_Tablerow10>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell20 style="HEIGHT: 21px" colSpan=5>Food Pairing: </TD>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell21 style="WIDTH: 80%"></TD></TR>
<TR id=_ctl7_Tablerow11>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell30 style="HEIGHT: 21px" colSpan=5>Aging**: </TD>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell31 style="WIDTH: 80%"></TD></TR>
<TR id=_ctl7_Tablerow9>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell22 style="HEIGHT: 21px" colSpan=5>Commercial
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell24 style="WIDTH: 80%">
<TD colSpan=6>* Character, Aromas, and Flavors of wine produced from the above-mentioned grapes are based upon a general assessment of the variety. Winemaker results will vary.
** The ability to age is tied directly to the wine's chemical make-up. Aging in the context of a varietal assumes the wines produced can or tend to yield the correct chemical make-up. Winemaker results will vary.
*** Commercial Examples provided as varietal references for benchmarking. Winemaker results will vary. </TD></TR></T></T></TABLE></TD></TR></T></T></TABLE></TD></TR></T></T></TABLE>Also ck out this url
Barolo is part of the Nebbiolo family of grapes

<TABLE id=_ctl7_Table2 style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; WIDTH: 100%; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; : #fcf7ea" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0>
<TR id=_ctl7_Tablerow3 style="COLOR: black; : #fcf7ea">
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell3 style="WIDTH: 5px; HEIGHT: 21px"></TD>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell4 style="HEIGHT: 21px" vAlign=top colSpan=2>Variety: Nebbiolo

Color: Red

Other names:

Varietal Notes:

Not always well known, especially for the role this grape plays in fine Barolos and Barbarescos, Nebbiolo is can produce big, dark, and tannic wines that have substantial aging potential. The name nebbiolo has two probable origins. </TD>
<TD style="WIDTH: 220px" colSpan=3>
<TD>Courtesy Vitis International Variety Catalogue </TD></TR></T></TABLE></TD>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell5 style="WIDTH: 5px; HEIGHT: 21px"></TD></TR>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell28 style="WIDTH: 5px; HEIGHT: 21px"></TD>
<TD colSpan=5>

<TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d8bf7a 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #d8bf7a 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #d8bf7a 1px solid; WIDTH: 100%; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d8bf7a 1px solid; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; : #fcf7ea" borderColor=#d8bf7a cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 rules=all border=1>
<TR id=_ctl7_Tablerow6>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell18 style="HEIGHT: 21px" colSpan=5>Characteristics*: </TD>
<TD style="WIDTH: 80%">Can yield wines that vary widely in body, tannin and acidity, as well as aroma and flavor complexity.</TD></TR>
<TR id=_ctl7_Tablerow7>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell17 style="HEIGHT: 21px" colSpan=5>Aromas/Flavors*: </TD>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell19 style="WIDTH: 80%" NAME="Tablecell19">cherries, violets, anise, black licorice or truffles, rich, chewy, deep and long-lasting flavors</TD></TR>
<TR id=_ctl7_Tablerow10>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell20 style="HEIGHT: 21px" colSpan=5>Food Pairing: </TD>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell21 style="WIDTH: 80%">rich meats and stews, as well as dry, aged cheeses</TD></TR>
<TR id=_ctl7_Tablerow11>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell30 style="HEIGHT: 21px" colSpan=5>Aging**: </TD>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell31 style="WIDTH: 80%">generally long-lived and often require significant aging to develop and soften</TD></TR>
<TR id=_ctl7_Tablerow9>
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell22 style="HEIGHT: 21px" colSpan=5>Commercial
<TD id=_ctl7_Tablecell24 style="WIDTH: 80%">
<TD colSpan=6>* Character, Aromas, and Flavors of wine produced from the above-mentioned grapes are based upon a general assessment of the variety. Winemaker results will vary.
** The ability to age is tied directly to the wine's chemical make-up. Aging in the context of a varietal assumes the wines produced can or tend to yield the correct chemical make-up. Winemaker results will vary.
*** Commercial Examples provided as varietal references for benchmarking. Winemaker results will vary. </TD></TR></T></TABLE></TD></TR></T></TABLE></TD></TR></T></T></TABLE>
I really like Barolo's and will recommend them. But they do have a very Unique taste to them. It may be a love it or hate it type thing. I like em!!!
You may want to consider a white wine that will be ready to drink a little earlier so you can let those big reds age.
I have white (for the wife) but these reds keep calling to me......

Tepe, good advice, I picked up a 2003 Barolo today and had it tonight with some pasta and my favorite spicy red sauce. I decanted it for 2 hours. It was good but not to die for good. I think I am going to go with the Sangiovese. I know that one and love, love , love it.

OK Pinot Grigio is up after this!
I did some of both - MM Sangiovese and Barolo. The Alljuice Sangiovese I picked up in early May with the "Drink One, Age One" special and I just started an Alljuice Barolo last night with the current special. Both should be strong tasty reds that will need a good year of aging to reach their peak. I'll let you know how they turn out - only if there so-so will I share!
