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Spent 2-3 hours at lowes putting together carts and carts of materials for a 12x12 shed. Need to get the garage back in order and a place to store empty bottles.
Took the kids swimming, then started the shed foundation. Added some ginger and dark brown sugar to the ginger beer batch. Now working on taxes and labels. mostly labels, I hate getting paperwork together and trying to remember if it was a business expense or not. One of the non-perks of being self employed!
After church had a nice lunch with family and friends. Then a 3 1/2 hr nap to catch up on the sleep. Tonight is me and the son while the wife works until 1 am.
Busted tail in the house yesterday and today. Things are beginging to look like a house again.... This whole school/work/ kid/ pets/ LIFE thing has really got int he way of my housekeeping LOL!!!!

hope everyone has had a good monday!
Busted tail in the house yesterday and today. Things are beginging to look like a house again.... This whole school/work/ kid/ pets/ LIFE thing has really got int he way of my housekeeping LOL!!!!

hope everyone has had a good monday!

Hey Nikki good to see you again today. The first time was on Google images. I was looking for pictures for my Orange Chocolate port and did a search for that and it brought up your avatar picture here and a picture of Wades wine bench from 4 years ago amoungst 300 others.
Waiting for the claims adjuster to tell me how much hail damage we have, then how much will I have to fork out to have the roof replaced, $$$$$.
Waiting for the claims adjuster to tell me how much hail damage we have, then how much will I have to fork out to have the roof replaced, $$$$$.

good luck, hope you at least break even.
Tonight I put shrink caps on 30 375ml bottles of Cranberry bottled Sunday morning. Then back-sweetened my first batch of Skeeter with 2 cans of Welches cranberry concentrate and about 1/2 the simple syrup. I will check for taste when bottling and maybe add more.

Need to find some clear 12 oz. crown cap bottles somewhere. I may have to pound 2 cases of Miller High Life long necks. I hope it doesn't come to that.
No not really there were about thirteen people there and got to meet some new folks, so that alone was worth it. I didn't agree with everything said and felt he could have suggested a lot of item they sell. In his defense, he was not pushing any equipment but focused on the process.
Taking the pup to get her staples out this morning! So YAY I have 30 min on my own before I have to leave :D put the midget on the school bus and then sat my but back on the sofa to surf!! Not to often i get a break like this YAYAYYAAY!
Later today I will pick up my 2 sacks of grain from the last grain buy.
I got 55# of 2-row and 55# of marris Otter for $70

We just started another buy and already have 65 - 55# sacks ordered. This will be a 2 pallet buy or 2 TONS of grain.

Dan, who taught the class?

No not really there were about thirteen people there and got to meet some new folks, so that alone was worth it. I didn't agree with everything said and felt he could have suggested a lot of item they sell. In his defense, he was not pushing any equipment but focused on the process.
OMG this pup is killing me!!! Her vet apt went fine, all staples out so YAY.
but NOW tonight we look down at her and her freggin face is all hived up , her eyes are swollen, and her lips are swollen!!! Looks like she got into some bug andit won... Hubs just ran to drug store for benydryl but Day-um this dog is gonna be the death of me!!! Momma dog and Daddy dog NEVER had these issues!!! I mean they were nutso pups but normal! This crazy chocolate lab eats EVERYTHING !!! oh well, keep her in your thoughts for a speedy recovery! (please)
Dan, who taught the class?

Mark did. I feel I could have been a real asset assisting him. He crammed in way too much information in four hours with little participation from the class. It was hard to sit there and not interrupt. I really feel he is out of touch with the home winemaker and procedures even though he knows his stuff.
OMG this pup is killing me!!! Her vet apt went fine, all staples out so YAY.
but NOW tonight we look down at her and her freggin face is all hived up , her eyes are swollen, and her lips are swollen!!! Looks like she got into some bug andit won... Hubs just ran to drug store for benydryl but Day-um this dog is gonna be the death of me!!! Momma dog and Daddy dog NEVER had these issues!!! I mean they were nutso pups but normal! This crazy chocolate lab eats EVERYTHING !!! oh well, keep her in your thoughts for a speedy recovery! (please)

I'm thinkin about her, keep up posted on how she does.
I purchased the necessary fittings last night to make my filter tubes for storage after use. I'm soaking all parts now in oxy clean. My 10' piece of PVC pipe was outside over the summer and the inside needed cleaned. Later when everything is dry I'll assemble the tubes. I'm hoping to try out the whole house filter the end of the month on my Tropical Breeze.