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Had a couple of hours to cut off my work week due to an extra long conference on wednesday and a no overtime policy at work. So, I came home and starting working on my first loaf of home made bread. I replaced the table salt with garlic salt and added italian seasonings to the dough. It's rising now and almost ready to go in the oven.
I started my new job this week and have been pretty busy and that is why I haven't been on to much latley. (Can't go on at work anymore LOL) anyway I am real happy with it so all is good. I started my old vin zin last weekend and I racked and added finning agents to my Blk cherry/concord today. Man I really like that stuff. Getting ready to go to Hollywood Casino this evening with the inlaws.. That should be fun.. Onward and upward..

Congrats on the new job Brian!
Today I hung out with Tristen while Kat is at school. (Saturday Chemistry class) We went to a little brew shop that I haven't been to yet. It was tiny but they had a couple of things that I wanted.
I picked up a Brewer's Best American Amber. It has some Caramelized malted grains. I think when they are spent through brewing I will make bread with them. Read somewhere that it would be really good.
Also picked up a dozen 1 liter EZ Cap bottles. Those things are nice for beer. I like using a larger bottle so I don't have to fiddle with a bunch of small ones.
Right now I'm deciding if I want to start brewing or now. I may hold off as my brewing area is currently occupied by vegetable seedlings.
Car maintenance. Both cars actually, it was just too nice to do anything inside.
I want to find a malt like what red-top malt was, not really sure what type it was so might be hard to do. All I know is it used to make some really good homebrew
Brewed 10 gallons A/G German Ale out in my garage. Just to nice to do anything inside.
Hopefully I can take after Tom and get brewing tomorrow. I just ran into a good pile of cement pavers which will make a nice flat solid surface under my deck which right now is dirt and quickly becomes mud and is rusting all the kids bikes. That arent really pretty but they are free!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully I can take after Tom and get brewing tomorrow. I just ran into a good pile of cement pavers which will make a nice flat solid surface under my deck which right now is dirt and quickly becomes mud and is rusting all the kids bikes. That arent really pretty but they are free!!!!!!!!!

Today was a warm up for Homebrew Day May 7th. That day I plan on brewing 30 gallons of A/G.
Today I broke in my 40 plate chiller. Boy does that work FAST!
After adding the cold water to the wort, took a temp and it was at 75 degress exactly. Pitched yeast snapped the lid down and now I'm at the brother in laws house.
Smelled great. Even Kat said she likes the smell of brewing and fermentation. Yep, she's a keeper.
started the day tilling the garden then I remembered that I was given some rhubarb starts so had to go out and till up some more ground got them planted first then the wife came out and helped me plant the potatoes when we got that done I started cleaning up the brush I trimmed off of our cotoneasters just sat down with a tall tequila sunrise while waiting for supper
Eastern side of Nebraska and Western Iowa just went though some sever weather some tornadoes and hail,thunder storms the town of Mapleton Iowa took a direct hit by a tornado
I love them also especially since all my tequila I get free from my worker's I
have about 18 Spanish Tm's that always make there way back home during their vacation and bring me back a bottle
I used to love Tequila Sunrises, haven't had one in awhile!
Going to My Wine Club meeting. his month we will be meeting @ Gino's. Mike will talk about the Chilean harvest and his trip there.
Spent 5 hrs outside yesterday... paying for it today!

Cleaned out the flower gardens, cut down tree limbs, spread weed & feed, cleaned up the asparagus bed, trimmed the elderberries and washed the sunroom windows. It was VERY productive.
Storming here this morning. Washing everything off!

I have to hem some pants for hubby for the CA trip today after church!

Sounds good but I think I would have "Round Up" the asparagus bed.

