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Buford said he wasn't invited either...

we're gonna head to the lake. Maybe he likes to fish. I'll teach him to doggy paddle!!

Keep him away from those bikini's... He untied my shoes, I'm pretty sure he can get those strings!
Awesome day fishing here although the two huge ones got off due to having light line on which I just changed!!!! I was keeping light line on to catch more trout but now Ive found a place that has huge trout and I lost 2 appr. 24"ers today. Both I had right to land and then the line snapped trying to land them and man was I pissed!!!!!! Did manage to bring home 4 16"-18"ers though. My son hooked on to a 20" sucker and brought him right to land before he fell off but he was smiling ear to ear reeling that thing in!!!
Had to run into Sioux City Iowa today for parts for my lawn mower and line trimmer so we drove around to see how much flooding was going on from the Missouri River it is just starting and is expected to get much worst and they look for the flooding to last around here for two months
Just got back from Runningwolf's wine party. Met a lot of nice friends and relatives and a couple of forum members I had not met (Rodo and KevininPa). Had the opportunity to sample a few of their wines--very good.
I'm sure Dan will post up a pic or two when he gets a minute.

I saw you peeking in the window!! Next time, come on in!! The more the merrier!!

Got back from doing a Spartan race in NY. 3 Miles of up and down a ski slope with lots of obstacles. 400' Up hill mud crawl under barbed wire, walls to climb, fires to jump... Lots of other cool stuff. Knees are torn up and elbows are a bit rashed up too.
I think I to finished 38th out of 218.

Tonight a date with my wife to dinner and Pirates movie.
Are you gonna stay awake for the whole movie with a day like that?

WOW... impressive!! Way to go!!

Got back from doing a Spartan race in NY. 3 Miles of up and down a ski slope with lots of obstacles. 400' Up hill mud crawl under barbed wire, walls to climb, fires to jump... Lots of other cool stuff. Knees are torn up and elbows are a bit rashed up too.
I think I to finished 38th out of 218.

Tonight a date with my wife to dinner and Pirates movie.

Sounds like you did good! I don't know if I'd call it cool, but defin. interesting LOL!

I'm neck deep in homework and trying to get the kids packed for weeklong Youth Camp. So it sounds like a good time for a nap right?
Got back from doing a Spartan race in NY. 3 Miles of up and down a ski slope with lots of obstacles. 400' Up hill mud crawl under barbed wire, walls to climb, fires to jump... Lots of other cool stuff. Knees are torn up and elbows are a bit rashed up too.
I think I to finished 38th out of 218.

Tonight a date with my wife to dinner and Pirates movie.

Holy smokes Rob, that is just plain wild as* crazy! I would have started in it but about 100' up the hill, I would be hearing "CLEAR" with a defibrillator on my chest!

We had a Triathalon in town here before my wine party that I did. Yep, I did stear clear of it and stayed out of their way. :)

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Working..........booooo! If I can stay awake, I'll be racking/pumping my cranberry into a carboy, starting a high octane blueberry (per my husbands request :p), then who knows.