What's for Dinner?

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Got a new toy for the kitchen. Going to try it out today for the first time. Anyone else have one of these bad boys? Making Pork Carnitas!

LOL its BOTH and more!

It's an "Instant Pot" that is an electronic pressure cooker, slow cooker, yogurt maker, rice cooker, steamer, sauté & warmer.
SWMBO bought it based on one of her BFF"s that is a "foodie" high recommendation. Its nice that you can brown the meat in the Instant Pot first then slow cook if you have time or pressure cook if its a weeknight and you didn't get the meal started before you left for work etc.
If you use it as a slow cooker sure. But this gives you the option to pressure cook fast (with the same tasty results) in case you didn't get your act together before leaving for work.
So, I could get rid of my slow cooker and my rice cooker, replace them with this and gain a pressure cooker in the process?
So, I could get rid of my slow cooker and my rice cooker, replace them with this and gain a pressure cooker in the process?

Yes, But wait there is more!

Its is also a yogurt maker as well as a steamer and a sauté pot.

Here is a pic of the pork after browning and before we closed the door…...

And the finished product!

It was wonderful! :hug Meat was fall off the bone tender and it only took 30 mins to cook!

If anybody wants the (pressure cooker) recipe let me know and I will post it.

Very happy and this looks like a winner recipe for Super Bowl Sunday party at our house!

got jiggy wid it

So, Saturday, I hit a wall and was not really in the mood for anything for dinner.

So, I opened a bottle of my 2013 Riesling.....


It was buttery, and yummy. "HMMM" I thought, Buttery! Lets have something buttery for dinner. So off to the freezer I went and discovered 4 veal shanks. This should be buttery if cooked right!


Raiding my fridge, I found a pound of fresh mushrooms, a small onion, and a large shallot. Chopped up the mushrooms and did a fine dice on the onions and shallot.



I also raided my "indoor herb garden" for some rosemary (just because I like the taste of rosemary). It came to about 3/4 tablespoon once finely chopped. OK, dish is really coming together!

I browned the meat in 1/2 olive oil and 1/2 butter (again, I am going for buttery here!).

Poured another glass of wine as the meat was browning.


One the meat was browned, I removed it and added my onions and shallots. I let them sautee for a bit, then added my mushrooms...


When the mushrooms were fully cooked and all of the mushroom juice had evaporated, I deglazed with some of my Riesling and a small can of chicken stock. I then added my rosemary, a final seasoning of salt and pepper, and then my rosemary. I then added the meat back in, covered the pot, then placed into an oven at 250 for 3 hours.

While that was cooking, I needed something to go along with this. Raiding my pantry, I found a packed of "vacu-sealed" gnocci... Little pillows of deliciousness! Perfect.

After 3 hours, I added the gnocci (straight from the packet) into the pot, stirred, and put back in the oven for another 15 minutes.


I then ate until I was ready to burst! Served the dish with, you guessed it, more Riesling.

I do not know if I am the originator of this dish. I just kinda went with what I had in the house. If I were to give it a name, it would probably be ...

Vitello con funghi e gnocci a la johnt.
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Last night, it was chicken parm, homemade sauce (of course), and imported Italian rigatoni pasta.

As the great one once sang...

"chicken parm you taste so good!

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Started a sour dough starter Now I'm going to bake. Smells good has that yeasty smell like wine making. It makes a fermentation on top called hoochy what they called it.I pour it off before each feeding. I guess the hoochy is alcohol of some sort. Maybe I should save it. It was kinda sour I put a tiny bit on my tongue. I hope my bread turns out good. Any one else make sour dough bread?
Because we weren't home for Christmas I pulled out a turkey invited some good friends and are having a full turkey meal with all the trimmings

Chicken Parm looks great (I was laughing watching the Packers game yesterday as my 5 year old kept singing "nothing beats that new car smell"), but I can't see any pics in your previous post. Anyone else having that issue?
I am not sure why they do not show. Believe it or not, I am able to see some of them, while not able to see some of them. I copied the images in all exactly the same way..

Perhaps Austin has some idea????