Why am I bothering to sanitize my primary fermenter ?

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Feb 20, 2022
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I use stainless steel primary fermenters and I always carefully wash them and then sanitize with star-san.

....and then we immediately dump in earwigs and leaves and spiders and cobweb and ants and probably at least one feather.....

(don't get me wrong--we harvest carefully and get clean clusters but there's always a few leaves that show up when we start punching the cap down)

So why am I bothering to carefully sanitize the primary vessel??

I guess if I was doing a pre-fermentation soak ? Or fermenting with natural yeast ? But I am pitching commercial yeast AS I CRUSH and fermentation is rocking and rolling in an hour or two and I don't see what could be on the (newly clean) walls of the fermenter that is nearly as bad as what is on even a single large cluster of grapes....

If I pitch immediately can't I just clean the primaries with soap and water?
... If I pitch immediately can't I just clean the primaries with soap and water?
On a numbers basis canned food has been treated to kill nine log cycles of organisms. (1000000000) it is commercially sterile. ,, ie you can eat it and nothing ever would make you sick.
Cold water washing removes five log cycles of bacterial contamination. Adding hot does six. Hot and soap can get up to seven. ie you are pretty close to sterile / nothing is left alive.

As an industry person, you are wasting effort trying to sterilize a primary.
My view of wine is that there are natural fences that keep infection from growing. ex pH below 4.0 eliminates food poisoning organisms. pH below 3.5 (which country wines use as a rule) prevents most infections (but not Acetobacter / vinegar). Reading journals wild lactic bacteria will normally be about 100,000 (5 log cycles) on the crop you are harvesting. This is where your risk is.
,,, I would spend more effort checking sugar and pH and headspace.
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I use stainless steel primary fermenters and I always carefully wash them and then sanitize with star-san.

....and then we immediately dump in earwigs and leaves and spiders and cobweb and ants and probably at least one feather.....

(don't get me wrong--we harvest carefully and get clean clusters but there's always a few leaves that show up when we start punching the cap down)

So why am I bothering to carefully sanitize the primary vessel??

I guess if I was doing a pre-fermentation soak ? Or fermenting with natural yeast ? But I am pitching commercial yeast AS I CRUSH and fermentation is rocking and rolling in an hour or two and I don't see what could be on the (newly clean) walls of the fermenter that is nearly as bad as what is on even a single large cluster of grapes....

If I pitch immediately can't I just clean the primaries with soap and water?
I was pondering this same thing yesterday as I started to dump the crushed destemmed grapes into a not so clean fermenting bucket. I ended up rinsing the bucket and wiping off some grim.

Then I pressed a previous batch and did the same thing but thought maybe I should've put the pressed wine into a truly cleaned container.

On a related note, I also wondered how much YAN is in spiders and spider webs.
As an industry person, you are wasting effort trying to sterilize a primary.
My view of wine is that there are natural fences that keep infection from growing. ex pH below 4.0 eliminates food poisoning organisms. pH below 3.5 (which country wines use as a rule) prevents most infections (but not Acetobacter / vinegar). Reading journals wild lactic bacteria will normally be about 100,000 on the crop you are harvesting. This is where your risk is.
,,, I would spend more effort checking sugar and pH and headspace.

Thank you---appreciate your insight.
I also wondered how much YAN is in spiders and spider webs.
Spiders and other insects have some, webbing a trace. ,,, Basically this fits in the background. Red juices I have looked at were 150 to 250ppm. (mine and club). What was interesting is that the YAN was double in our local winery & vineyard since they fertilized the vineyard.
So why am I bothering to carefully sanitize the primary vessel??
Sanitizing is reducing hostile microbial life to below a threshold so that it's not a danger to the must/wine.

By sanitizing the primary, you are reducing the amount of potential contaminants. Does it make a difference? There's only one way to find out ... ;)
As I wash up equipment after use it gets a Star-San final bath. If a container, it is turned upside down to dry then sealed with plastic wrap. When I need a carboy or big mouth fermenter I just remove the plastic wrap and use the equipment. Never had a problem and I like having my equipment ready when needed. Bungs, measuring tools, air locks, etc are sanitized before use each time. At the end of the fermenting season and all my wines are bottled I sanitize everything and seal in new Zip-Loc freezer bags. Since my hands are not sanitized every time I open a Zip-Loc I follow the additional sanitizing treatment.