You get more holidays than someone who works at a bank...
Sooooooooooooo jealous, aren't you? [emoji12]
You get more holidays than someone who works at a bank...
Probably right with just one bag.
Any takers on the yeast question? I didn't start the kit last night after all. Watching the premiere of GoT instead.
So yeast: BM4x4, EC1118 or something else (like RC212)?
Sooooooooooooo jealous, aren't you? [emoji12]
And yes I am jealous I don't work for the State and have great benefits and a retirement paid for by everyone else in the State.
So I'll just add that I'm a novice. The Eclipse OVZ was my first kit but the EC1118 worked beautifully. Could someone elaborate what the difference is between the three types mentioned. Also fermaid.
So I'll just add that I'm a novice. The Eclipse OVZ was my first kit but the EC1118 worked beautifully. Could someone elaborate what the difference is between the three types mentioned. Also fermaid.
You can check out this link to learn about the yeasts you listed, plus others: . There is more detailed info on the manufacturers site when you search for a specific yeast strain.
Regarding Fermaid, it's a yeast nutrient some folks add to feed their yeast during fermentation. Fermaid K is the more complete name for the product I believe he was referring to adding. Fermaid O is the organic version.
Love the crosswalk light comparison. Thanks for the info. I try to only hit the button a few times. Maybe it's time for talking carboys?I like to call EC1118 Old Faithful. It does the job... Never any doubt.
I Noticed though, that WE will sometime slip an RC212 in its higher end red kits. So, I started digging into the issue on this and other sites. Check out this chart in winemaker magazine:
You'll see there are a bunch of choices... Even more than there are for oak or tannin. Only way to know what you like is to try. I was pretty impressed with the BM4x4 with my Lodi cab - strong ferment. Won't know the difference in taste for a long time.
Heck, who knows - choosing a yeast strain might be like pushing that button at an intersection so that you can cross the street. It probably doesn't do much more than give you something to do while you wait for the light to change in its own time.
I know kit manufacturers are in an arms race to see who can make the quickest drinking wine kit, but frankly I kinda of feel ripped off. If you go to any of the yeast charts, you don't see EC118 listed for any reds , and very few whites. Its a quick ferment yeast, and yes, its great for new kit novices. But, you want a slower ferment yeast if you use a skin pack. That way, all the goodies can be feremented out and into the wine, increasing tannin and body. How freaking hard can it be to list an few alternative yeasts that work well but ferment slower. I know we are all switching yeasts, but it would be nice to see a kit mfg step up to the plate and give an alternative they recommend to get the all the flavor possible instead of using a quick ferment yeast, and not void the kit warranty?
Second vote for BM 4x4, used it on my OVZ, went off without a hitch.
Was a little disappointed that Game of Thrones season started off kinda slow, but it was ok, took me a while to remember where we left off anyway..........
Then I go to NAPA and drink some killer cabs and zins, fermented in the caves at 60 degrees all of the way through. Go figure. If it was simple, we'd all be producing world class wines. This hobby is challenging and I love it.
Okay, maybe not WORLD class...definitely the best homemade wine in my neighborhood, though.
This may be the best smelling and tasting juice I've experienced in a kit so far.
"Gonna vote, then maybe get this one started... Using the alternative yeast but no other tweaks in the primary"
As a fellow PA resident, and you being a PA employee.... Do you mean primary FERMENTATION, or primary ELECTION tweaks? Haha...