I dropped off a case of bag balm in the back corner by the pole. I figured you can use some for deb and a tin or two for the pole. That should make for some interesting moves on the pole tonight. Remember Dan you said you withdraw at completion. Don't forget now!
Grapeman I was going to make a withdraw after completion of the show for new windows but after Steve cleaned them the other day we decided to keep the ones we got. So for now we're keeping the money in there and just invest in more Bonds.
For those of you who planned on using the hot tub tomorrow you are going to have to change your plans. Apparently when they say not to exceed 20 people in this hot tub...THEY REALLY DO MEAN NOT TO EXCEED 20 PEOPLE IN THE HOT TUB.
Man, that water went everywhere. On the good side there's no need to mop the floor. My bad but what a great night! Bag balm on a wet dance floor is bad a*s. We were sliding back and forth across the floor like there was no tomorrow. Toss in some cran-lime skeeter pee and you've got a party.
When that water from the hot tub hit me, I got a mouthful... THAT was not pleasant, I can tell you. Chemicals, bag balm, skeeter pee... and some unidentifiable sludge....
I'm making homemade rolls today, so get your orders in soon!
Well if you wern't passed out on the floor that wouldn't have happened. We told you that skeeter pee can sneak up on you.
Rob brought his computer and it got soaked like a dish rag. Guess he'll be using his phone to post for awhile. Good thing he won the 50/50 raffle to get it cleaned out of that bag balm. At least the keys won't stick anymore.
Here was a picture taken moments before the big hot tub bust.
The guy at the top of the pic... Dan, I believe it is... worries me with his legs around Tom's neck.... thankfully I was far enough gone to miss the next happening.
Rolls are rising... nothing like a rising roll, really. You do have to be carful to withdraw before it explodes, though... that can be one STICKY mess, as Dan well knows!
I will let Dan tell the story.... his version is better.
I must say, I was surprised at the "lengths" he will go to. That hot tub was certainly a crowd pleaser. That capacity thing will need to be worked out, though. Either that, or have the bouncer drink less so he can keep track of how many people have entered the Chat Room.