Maybe we could try the technique used to raise money for charities... you go to JAIL until you get enough friends to post your "bail". Heck, the cops stop by the Chat Room on a regular basis...maybe we could even "suggest" we won't tell their superiors if they chip in for the monthly rent! That good looking young cop... I think his name was Vladamir.... you know, the one that busted Dan last week for "public indecency"... well, just being in public is indecent for him!.... anyway... Vlad seemed REAL interested in the hot tub crew. I bet we could "persuade" him to kick in a few bucks... and get him to get most of the 69th Precinct to do the same. After all, he's been "lurking" around the privacy fence a lot lately.... and I noticed quite a smile on his face... I saw him on the West side of the property the other day... where that knot in the garden gate is.
Just trying to keep the Chat Room solvent... speaking of solvent... who left the bag balm on the mechanical bull's saddle??... darn near killed myself the other day. I'll have to bring some degreaser and get that taken care of. I do appreciate that the saddle horn is now supple, however... aaahhhh