Floor corker spring too tight

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Junior Member
Aug 6, 2013
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I just bought my Portugese floor corker and am trying to use it for the first time but the spring loaded base doesn't actually bounce back? It takes me pushing down with my foot just to move it and then it won't come back. I've tried spraying WD-40 per an instruction I saw online but that's not helping. Anyone else have any thoughts? Really frustrating
Toward the back of the unit there should be a small spring with two nuts on the bottom. Adjusting those nuts "up" will allow the handle to release the bottle base. The nuts are supposed to be jammed into one another so that they cannot move.
I bought a used Portuguese floor corker and the spring base is locked up and will not move at all, is there a way to take it completely apart to try and get it working again?
I bought a used Portuguese floor corker and the spring base is locked up and will not move at all, is there a way to take it completely apart to try and get it working again?
Food grade lubricants. See above posts about handle position.

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