How do you do it? 60 jugs, or are you bottle aging a lot of them?
Just so there's no confusion, that's 63 wines and not 63 gallons. I must be out of my mind...but so what.
My earliest wines have been bottled and some are gone already. I'll have a few ready to bottle each month and I'll probably do it just to get the jug. Six month bulk minimum. I have 30+ gallon jugs and 14 3-gallon carboys. I have 5-gallon carboys but to tell you the truth I'd rather not have 25 bottles of one wine. And they're heavy.
I haven't touched my raspberries, ground cherries, mulberries, or blackberries. Still have 5 pepper wines planned, at least 3 grain wines, and a few "crazy insane" wines. Also have butternut and hubbard squash - very curious if there's a difference between baked and simmered so 2 side by side batches each.
I'm trying real hard to avoid buying more jugs and carboys.
I've also upped my imbibing from 1 glass a day to 2 glasses just to empty bottles faster.
And Sweet Baby Jesus I haven't even started down the mead road yet!!
My biggest regret is that my earliest wines, the first 2-3 months, have terrible notes. Basic, boring, and vanilla - and almost worthless. Now my notes have notes and they get more detailed with each wine.
I think this is funny - I never get tipsy relaxing in the evening with 2 glasses of wine. I get tipsy when I'm back sweetening or trying to figure out what a mystery flavor is. Taste taste taste and then....taste taste taste some more!
What a great hobby!