The temperature range on the instructions was a very narrow 72-75 from primary fermentation through clearing. Mine was up to 75 a couple days into the the primary ferment and has been at 71-72 since. Sure is pretty, clear, and dark. Has some great dark berry fruit aroma and oak is nice but not over the top. Hoping with some age the oak and fruit flavors will blend together a bit more but pretty good for a week old wine!
I had much the same experience I was keeping the temp at 73 with a brewers belt rigged with a rheostat, at the height of CO2 production the temp did spike at 74.8 so I dialed down a bit and got it back to 73. Without the brewers belt I would not have been able to maintain the kits suggested temperature range of 72-75 in my fermentation area.
When I racked the wine to my secondary I had quite a problem with the larger pieces of the French Heavy Oak clogging the tip of my siphon wand. I had to clean and restart the siphon three times. I have not used this type of oak before and wonder how others deal with this problem.
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