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well I did the eggwhites on my elderberry today I know it's kinda like hurrying the wine along but I'm learning from mistakes I didn't know about till I got here. When I pressed the elders I pressed the living daylights out of them so saying they were abit tannin heavy is like saying lead is just a little heavy lol but hey I learn from my mistakes
Had to hook up the swamp cooler ASAP! Just about died yesterday. Summer is here for the moment and the temps have skyrocketed over the past 3 days to the point we need some cool air in the house. Evaporative cooling works better than refrigerated air in these parts at least until the monsoons kick in in July. The vines are loving the heat and are growing like weeds! :sm
A week ago today my wife noticed an article in the newspaper about a local winery (Flickerwood) that was going to have a 3 day "festival" this weekend with the mention of an amateur wine compitition for today. I thought about entering for a couple days and finally got some detailed info on Wednesday. Thought about what I would enter and decided on Diamond, Niagara, Apple, Moscato, Catawba, and White Zinfandel. I ended up getting 4 medals. In sweet white wines, the class they were all entered in,(with the exception of the Apple) the Diamond took first, the Niagara took second. The Diamond also took second in best of show. The label for the White Zinfandel took best label.:h


WZ Label.jpg
Dan they were from the other side of the state- Pittsburgh.
Oh and we had a shrimp boil today. Delish! I was craving some nice shrimp and corn, baby potatoes etc.

The other side of the state is where I live, Pittsburgh is about 125 miles right down the road from me.

OMG Rich I love shrimp. I did some on the grill last week for the first time this year and OHHHHHHHHH My!
We'll be expecting that next Saturday. It had better be good. :hug

I just told my wife I an getting really hungry for this. I think you just may get some macaroni salad next week. No chicken though. We use to do a pig roast every couple of years and we became a slave to the food instead of talking to the company. Now we try to have food that requires no attention like meatballs or bar-b-cued ham or pulled beef. Help yourself stuff!
A week ago today my wife noticed an article in the newspaper about a local winery (Flickerwood) that was going to have a 3 day "festival" this weekend with the mention of an amateur wine compitition for today. I thought about entering for a couple days and finally got some detailed info on Wednesday. Thought about what I would enter and decided on Diamond, Niagara, Apple, Moscato, Catawba, and White Zinfandel. I ended up getting 4 medals. In sweet white wines, the class they were all entered in,(with the exception of the Apple) the Diamond took first, the Niagara took second. The Diamond also took second in best of show. The label for the White Zinfandel took best label.:h

OMG Rod that is so cool! My SIL lives by there and when we went to visit her last year we stopped at Flickerwood because we accidently ran into the place. It was so cool. They gave us a complete tour and I ended up getting 6 cases of ice wine bottles from them. Did you know they get most of their juice from Walkers? Congratulations!! We always told you your wine was awesome!

Thanks Guys next year perhaps a (Western PA Winemakingtalk assult on this competition) I know Julie has also visited them.
Thanks Guys next year perhaps a (Western PA Winemakingtalk assult on this competition) I know Julie has also visited them.

I agree Rod. Had i known about it I would have figured out a way to join. You know Daisy keeps talking about one down her way I think we should tackle. Actually I think Julie and I both are interested in it and it'll be a lot closer to you I think.

Tasting in the Wilds
Gearing up to do some fishing & crabbing down @ the Chesapeake Bay tomorrow morning!
In a couple of hours I will be christening my new brew sculpture. Will be making 10gal A/G of my version of Yuengling.
Congrats on the wine competition!! What an honor!

We are going to take all the runner rugs out on the driveway and shampoo them today. The hot sun will dry them in no time! Going to shampoo the inside of the car too. Once you drag the shampooer out of the basement, might as well do it all!

On elderberries.... 3-4 days on the berries is enough. Get them out at that point and your tannins will be in better balance. It's one of those "live and learn" things... ask me how I know..........

We use the steam juicer on them now and it really works the best!

Wind is howling 40mph outside....... Temps are expected to be 15 degrees cooler today...... Have some trumpet vines to plant but can't stand the freaking wind.

Perhaps some work in the winery!
Trumpet vines are funny. When I planted mine they took forever to get started, even lost a few. Now I keep cutting them way back and orphans keep popping up all over. Mike I put a 10' metel pole in the ground about 3' and then wrapped the exposed pole with a chain link fence. This gave the vine something to grab on to and now they look like a tree and the vines hide the pole and chain links.
At my last house I had trumpet vines too... same thing... took a while to catch hold... then I couldn't give the suckers away fast enough!!

VERY hot and humid here today. 82 already. We had a high of 50 the other day... the body can't take this change... or I'm gettin' old...

Don't say a word!
