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Well, I ended up doing close to 100 mile ride. I started at 9:30 and just got home a few minutes ago. I stopped by a small winery in Bavington called Raccoon Creek Winery. It is part of a nursery on Old Steubenville Pike. I sampled 3-4 different wines. All decent at best. They make all thier wine in the second floor of the building and didn't appear to have a large stock on the floor but they did have about 12 different varieties available. When I go out the next time I'll talk more to the owner. I think it was his daughter who waited on me. I bought a bottle of their raspberry wine. I'll give it a try later. I didn't look at the bottle until after I got home. It is a 2009 wine and looking at the bottle it has dropped some sediment at this point. Doesn't look as though this was filtered at all. I'll post a final report later. I cannot find anything other than a facebook page for the winery.

Anyway, while out and about in my travels I stopped by the elderberry bushes I found last year. They are starting to get buds already and have significantly increased in size. I have a good feeling about the berry crop for this year. I think I may have found a few more bushes as well in close proximity to my home.

I'll go pick up Andrea in an hour and a half from daycare and then hang out in her pool with her til my wife comes home.
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Well, we opened the Poppa's Red Raspberry. As I previously stated, there was noticible sediment in the bottle. Upon opening, loud pop! Poured wine into glass, foamed up like soda pop. Definately needed degassed more. Wine lable states 15% abv, way to high for a blush raspberry. My elderberry Blueberry was about 14% and that was borderline strong. Raspberry wine was finished dry with little body and little flavor IMHO. The others I sampled there there were also about the same. I'll have to go back and try others when I'm not parched from riding to see if there is any difference in my opinion of the winery and their wines. I hope that wasn't too harh of a review.

I definately feel that any of the wine makers whose wine I have tasted from the forum could produce a wine worthy of selling in any small winery or that of a small commercial winery. I have learned alot from those on the forum and also from getting feedback of my wine from the members here. IMO I would put Dan's, Steve's, or Julie's wine against any commerically available wine out there knowing that it would come out the winner.
Pool's open!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 76 degrees aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah and a glass of chilled Niagara, what a way to end a long weekend!
That sounds good Jules!!!!! Was rather warm the last few days here. Juyst finished packing up all the shirts and should have them in the mail tomorrow after work. Its just a little thanks for you mods out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That sounds good Jules!!!!! Was rather warm the last few days here. Juyst finished packing up all the shirts and should have them in the mail tomorrow after work. Its just a little thanks for you mods out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH come on over Wade unlike Doug we drink our pee. :) :tz.
One of these days Jules Ill make it up your way to meet with ya'll at one of your parties!!
I just finished bottling the beer I made last week. It was my first batch and very easy to make. We made another on Sat which is a Kölsch. Can't wait to try it when it's ready.
Congrats on the medals Rod.
Yesterday me and Kat met with Pastor Bill to get him to perform the wedding ceremony. Lots of prep for the wedding. October 8 is getting close.
Was planning on heading tro Edinboro on the bike for a get together, however family obligations halted that plan. So instead, I'll be getting my garden planted today and making a trip to the brew store for some supplies. Cab Sav and Chianti. Not much else I need there at this time.