WineXpert Bulk Aging Temp

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Oct 2, 2006
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Hello all,

My first batch of wine was bottled last week. I am hooked on my new hobby, and I want to make more.

I have a wine fridge that will store about 45 bottles, which is already full of wine. I am concerned about storage issues if I were to make a new batch.

Ilive in an apartment, so I don't have a nice cool basement tostore wine. I was thinking of bulk aging a new batch. I have read that bulk aging is better for the winewhen acool climate isn't available.

I guess myquestion is, will bulkaging in a room temperature apartment
(70 degrees ) create a suitable atmosphere for wine to age properly?

If not, it looks like I might do one batch at a time.

You just have to make do with what you have avaliable iowa....I am sure that for centuries there was no "suitable" wined storage avaliable. Here is one trick you can use though. Get a large plastic storage cantainer that the carboy will sit down in. Depth needsto be at least12-24". Set your carboy in it and then fillthe containerwith cool water. Wrap a towel around the carboy, leaving enough of the towel in the water that it will wick the water up to the rest of the towel.You can even chunk a little ice in there occasionaly if you want to to keep the water cooled down. Edited by: Waldo