fermenting in secondary? yeast? Ancient Orange?

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thanks for reminding me wade... speaking of women... It seems my wife might have caught the bug today. She waswatching all the kudos I got during the holidays with the wine and then got all excited listening to Waldo talk about mead so when I started working today she kinda took over. She said if she joins the board she wants to be called "grilled cheese".
Edited by: sangwitch
sangwitch said:
thanks for reminding me wade... speaking of women... It seems my wife might have caught the bug today. She waswatching all the kudos I got during the holidays with the wine and then got all excited listening to Waldo talk about mead so when I started working today she kinda took over. She said if she joins the board she wants to be called "grilled cheese".

Will that be Grilled Cheese with Velveeta???????

So if your kids join in one would have to be Tomato Soup-cause you just have to have tomato soup with "grilled cheese"/"sangwitch"
I took a look at the Ancient Orange today and the one I did w/ Lalvin is already starting to look clear and the one I did with the bread yeast is still very cloudy.
Has anyone out there done the ancient orange, but not followed the directions to the letter? Specifically, I'm thinking about racking and letting it age a bit that way instead of leaving all the oranges and what not in there for several months.
I tasted the ancient orange meads tonight. The one I made with the bread yeast is much tastier than the one where I used Lalvin. The one with the Lalvin has a much stronger alcohol taste. If it doesn't mellow out I can see myself blending the two before bottling.
Try this blend sang...2/3 Ancient, 1/3 Lalvin and 1/3 Blueberry
I think I will try that Waldo. I also have a 1-gallon batch of blueberry mead that tastes like jet fuel. I'll have to do a little experimenting and find a nice ratio.

on another note... my wife wants the muscadines out of the freezer. I need to find your recipe and then you can guide me. Since you are the muscadine king!~